Foot orthoses, also referred to as orthotics, are shoe inserts designed to support, align or improve foot function for people of all ages with a variety of foot or lower leg problems.
They can assist with:
a wide range of issues, from discomfort in the foot and leg to severe problems such as diabetic foot ulcers.
maximising performance and injury rehabilitation/prevention in athletes and active people.
chronic foot or lower limb conditions which limit mobility or independence.
Orthoses provide valuable long-term solutions:
Treatment and prevention of corns, callous and ulceration by redistributing the pressure of the body’s weight on the feet.
Rehabilitation of acute and chronic foot conditions such as tendonitis, recurrent ankle sprain and stress fractures by providing consistent postural support.
Your podiatrist will provide a comprehensive service to ensure safe and effective foot care.
A full clinical assessment of your foot complaint(s), determining if orthoses are indicated.
Whether custom made orthoses or modified, over the counter orthoses best meet your foot health needs.
Digital scanning for custom made orthoses to closely tailor the prescription to your individual needs.
Provision of any additional treatment required.
Advice regarding exercises, footwear and training modifications where relevant.
Comprehensive follow up, including ongoing treatment.
Fine tuning any problems whilst wearing the orthoses.